Thursday, January 6, 2011


  Well things happen on a cold winter day...Do they not? I sit on this blog of mine while my perfect little sister and her boyfriend of a year and some change snuggle together in her bed and slowly drift off to sleep. I sometimes wish that could be me. Not the curled up in her bed part, I have my own of course, but being with someone part. It seems I have been single so much this year that I'm stuck in a rut of sorts.

   Well I guess I should be lucky to have my life and health right? I guess that's a good thing to have. But for once it would be fun to someone to curl up with and just cry on their shoulder when things are going horribly wrong which seems alot as of late. But I guess I am just doomed to sit forever behind this computer and write to my hearts content. Though that may not seem to enjoyable to many of you out there. But I presume its alright by me.

  Not to say I have not had boyfriends, that of course I have had. And all of them through the years just seemed to come on to that creep factor that so many people begin to have. Maybe I should have named my blog Vicktoria's Lonely would have been more perceptible to others I believe. But that's all done and over now, its just part of who I am.

  But winter break from college life does have its up side like sleeping in till however late you wish. Unless you have a crazy nagging mother who calls you constantly to wake you up and have you do so many things for her. Yes that is my mom. Or a sister who is always home or not home you never know when she is going to be gone. Then there is the sucky part. Never having anything to do that occupies your mind. That's my problem. I have no boyfriend to speak of and all my friends are either back in school or have no car to drive. So I just sit her and watch that white fluffy stuff fall on the ground and blanket the earth. Yes that is what I am watching now. The snow fall again!

  It seems that all I can do is blog, read, and write, well and of course wait for school to start again. School seems to set my mind at ease, something to concentrate on. Though I guess being board comes with the territory of living in a small town. I will tell you that you can look at my town once and think its sweet and charming and yes it is. Quiet and old. But there are many things here that I believe makes up my town which just happens to be bars and funeral homes. So more or less drink and die..that's all it is here.. You will spend your whole life stuck!

   Wow I think I'm just babbling on now and I'm sorry for that so back on topic I go...

    Yup I am home and my sister's boyfriend just left and we had pizza. Mmmmm... and of course for me coffee goes excellent with anything. So that's what I will sip on as I write this to you. Perhaps later I will curl up with a good book, one that I have of course read a bazillion times. I need new material. But for now I write. Oh and Tyra..she is an amazing women .. But she is talking bout Love and using the current president and first lady as role models for love..But is that love?? Or are they putting on a front?? Love comes from many things in life, not just money and sex. It's companionship and friendship that helps those things go along. Or that is just my opinion. Not that it matters.

  Now I am going to start something new..

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